I thought I’d do a ride report, why not? Darren Winfield (Club Secretary) had volunteered to lead a G1.5 route and I think routes of between 50-60 at about 18mph average miles are the sweet spot for me at the moment, which is pleasing.
I had told myself I would arrive at the meet up for the ride for once earlier than usual, but of course, that didn’t actually happen. Oh well, no hanging around for me! Here’s a couple of photos I took before the ride started.

G1.5 in the foreground, G2 & 1 by the propellor.

G3 on the left and G4 on the right. Next time we run G4 I’m going to brave a local facebook group to see if we can get more attendees for G4. That’ll be a riot I’m sure!
In the end we had eleven on our ride I think. Occasionally such a large group would cause issues with management, but we were all pretty experienced riders, and communication was good amongst the group. I think when I joined the club I was probably oblivious to what was going on in the group but these days even if I’m not the one leading a ride, a group that keeps stringing out can be a bit stressful! Fortunately this wasn’t the case on this ride – stress free!
What else to say about the ride out to the cafe…it was fine, I don’t recall struggling particularly or anything. I certainly do recall feeling like I hadn’t done any time on the front at all. While I suspect no-one else pays attention to this (especially a group of eleven), I do! Oh, I was also somewhat displeased about my poor bike (with dry lube!) having go to through a ford before we got there. Fortunately the wetness wasn’t quite as detrimental to my chain’s lubrication as I had feared. Admittedly my reaction was a bit over the top but it made everyone else laugh at least!

Hard to miss.
Once we got to Spokes I was surprised to realise I’d never actually visited, it was a really nice cafe, and according to Google Maps a repair shop too…and I learned after that it had a shower. I could do one one of them half way through every club ride when the sun’s out this time of year!

Not as good a photo as I was hoping. Didn’t even get the horizon level!

LBRCC Basketball Division

Coffee and Cake

Nice sink and tap. Shame the water was hot – Matt got his water from the cafe itself in the end.

Interesting look
On the way back, I finally managed to do a turn on the front. Of course, as is often the case for me I find it did mean I had to go from the back to the front of the group, with a few comments of “What are you doing?”…well, I’m doing my turn on the front! Also gives me a chance to fish out my camera and take some photos. I hope my jersey-pocket-digging and camera holding didn’t make everyone else too nervous – I have done it before!

I think this is the best selfie I got. I don’t even hate what I look like in the photo – huzzah!
Then I ended up at the back again, I think it was because we had a bit of a brief mechanical in the midst of a traffic jam. Oh well, gave me a chance to take some photos from the back too.
Then someone else turned up and tagged on for a bit, he was nice to chat to.

Hello John
Then on the way back by the time we were on my commute route (Dunstable to LB via Totternhoe/Stanbridge), the pace started to pick up a bit. I couldn’t help but put up a bit of an effort in on the way back in to town. Then we got back in to town, ready for the usual beer garden enjoyment at the Black Lion.

Matt was eagerly awaiting his beer! I just had a water – fortunately my taste in food isn’t quite as bland as my drink preferences.

…and finally, a photo of all the group rides back at the pub, with a few new faces too. Here’s a link to the route if you’d like to try it yourself.
P.S – Yes, the website needs updating with mention of G1.5.
P.P.S – If it was not for the above pub photo as evidence, I’d possibly be afraid Darren had got lost on the ride back
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